Helping People Find Their Way Back To God
Jesus gave the disciples the way to bring glory to God and fulfill the purpose He had for them. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to observe all I have commanded you and I will be with you until the end of the age.”

“Northview helps people know and follow Jesus wholeheartedly”
Jesus is, without question, the central figure in all of history. Even Jesus Himself said that we could get to know God by knowing Him. We believe what the Bible says about Jesus. It’s a choice of faith. So, our efforts here will intentionally lead toward the goal of helping people to find God through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Practical Results: we find forgiveness, love, and healing in our soul by following Jesus.
We are Bible-based, Bible-teaching, Bible directed because it is the inspired Word of God. God inspired human authors with a message that is relevant and life-changing today. It provides the guidance we need to live out God’s plan for our lives.
Northview is filled with people of faith.
Now in saying that, realize there are different levels of faith. There are those who live out faith in Christ in a mature way and those who are new in the faith and just learning and changing as a Christian should. And there are those who are in between the ‘new and old’ in the faith. We invite you to come to see what we’re all about … ask questions … you’ll find that we’re genuine. Not perfect but learning and growing in our faith!
The Bible tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith. And so we do what we can to encourage everyone to have a growing, obedient faith to grow strong & mature in Jesus Christ. By faith we’re made right with God and faith pleases Him.
Only in Christ can we have ultimate security.
When you enter the doors at Northview you will have a friendly experience. People will greet you and speak to you. You will experience heartfelt worship – it’s real and relevant to everyday life. You will hear messages from the Bible that help you to live a life that is pleasing to God. Our prayer is that in your experience you will see that God presence is among us and that He can make a real positive difference in your life.
We worship God with all our hearts
We teach Jesus’ commands so we can follow them
We tell others the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus
We enjoy the family atmosphere of the church we call fellowship
We serve the Lord by serving people - in the church and outside the church.
Summarized: we reach up, reach out and gather in!
We’re an independent church which means that we are not part of a denominational ecclesiastical structure. We do have thousands of sister church across this nation and around the world.
We are a non-denominational church which is led by our leaders … called elders. Our lead minister works with the elders in directing the ministries of this congregation.
We view ourselves as a part of Christ’s worldwide church made up of those who have obedient faith in Him.
We are simply Christians who worship Jesus Christ and want to be a part of His work.
Thank you for taking the time to see the big picture of who we are as a church. Our prayer for you:
“Lord, we ask a special blessing on this precious soul.
May you give them wisdom, direction, and hope.
Lord, help them to draw near to you
and that their faith will blossom
into greatness for You.
In Jesus’ name.